Do you feel at home where you live? Or has your style sense changed over the time and you’re realizing that you’re not happy with how the current style of the house looks like? We know these questions can be pretty overwhelming. But, on the brighter side you aren’t alone. A lot of people struggle with it and to help you with it we’re back with some tips and decorating inspiration for all of you!

Looking at different ideas and inspirations online can make you feel discontent with your own house at times. Especially when you’re living in a house that was not custom designed for you or if it is a rental house, it can be difficult to arrange it and decorate it according to your needs. Even so, one thing that we like about personal style is that it keeps evolving. We feel like our home or belongings and how we choose to set them up really reflects who and where we are right now; in process so as we continue to evolve, our home should navigate those changes with us.

A home is supposed to be inviting and appealing to our senses, it should feel like HOME, like YOU. It has to have your essence I mean, that is the point I’m trying to get at. Every single piece you add in to your home; the texture, the warmth each element impacts your style. A personal style transpires from the feeling that we choose to infuse our spaces with.

But the question is that how can you find your style? do you consider your budget or the fast-changing trends or the other limitations you’re facing?

The truth is that finding your style takes time, a lot of patience and also a lot of experimentation. Sometimes you might know what you want and where to get it but the other times its not so easy. Do not make hasty decisions take time to learn the personality of your home, so that you can embrace what you like about it and fix/change what you do not like. Sometimes you might be able to make major changes for the home to feel more like yourself, at times by changing the furniture or the painting the walls, sometimes changing the curtains. But we can also make simple adjustments with less permanent elements as well. The mix of colors, textures, and moods we bring together in our home can have a big impact on how it feels to us.


Impulsive decisions might make this process a little hard, its easy to like what we see online and do what others are doing, and it would feel great for sometime, but, it only makes you loose focus. Personal style isn’t what you like the most at a store or online, but the one that makes you feel at home. Be mindful of that.

You can always take inspiration online, obviously, but do not make quick, expensive and permanent changes based on that inspiration unless you’re pretty certain that it would look good in your home and it really bring out your essence.

Lastly, it’s alright to make mistakes along the way remember you’re a human and these things take time. Rarely is a decorating mistake fatal! In fact, at times what might appear to be a “mistake” can actually give your home and style more character and personality. Other times it just tells you what doesn’t work for you and what isn’t your style. But even if it is a big mistake you need to correct, just learn from it and move on.

Getting to know about yourself and your home better is a very essential part of the journey. It takes time, yes, but its all worth it to be as authentic, original and comfortable in your home.

All that said, here is a little inspiration for you.







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